The Pumpkin Patch

Welcome to my webpage! I have nuked my old webpage, and am starting completely over!

I'm not completely sure what I want to do with this webpage. A long term goal is setting up some sort of imagery gallery, where I can upload all my art and finally have one singular place for it. However, I've yet to figure out a gallery that isn't incredibly laggy. I'll probably re-add the link directory from the old website. But I've also always wanted to create a digital space to discuss my thoughts on books, movies, and nature. The blog format of the old webpage fundamentally was not working for me. I also have 2 personal projects that while I feel are both in early stages, I will add one day.

The first personal project is a yet unnamed webcomic. The webcomic follows a group of 4 people, who all reincarnate and meet each over 4 lifetimes. The aesthetic and symbolic core being the minor arcana of Waite-Smith tarot. Each character is represented by a face card, and each lifetime is represented by a suit.

My other personal project is a mapping of verfied recordings of fish in the family "Atelepodidae", commonly known as "jellynose eels." I have since found exactly this, but I've decided it's still worth the effort to coalesce the various studies and sources of this not very well understood fish. These fish, and this project, means a lot to me. My love of these fish reignited my passion in science. And the map has taught me a lot about finding sources, interperting scientific jargon, and how to navigate digital archives.